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Top 10 Most Violent DC Villains

Top 10 Most Violent DC Villains
If you're a big Justice League fan, try our trivia: https://www.watchmojo.com/trivia/hardcore-trivia-for-justice-league-fans Top 10 Most Violent DC Villains Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD and also Ring the Bell to get notified // Have a Top 10 idea? Submit it to us here! http://watchmojo.com/suggest These evildoers aren’t afraid to get bloody. For this list, we’ll be looking at villains from DC comics with a penchant for over-the-top violence. While there are plenty of villains out there cause mayhem with elaborate plots, these baddies like to get their own hands dirty and do so often. Top 10 Most Violent Super Villains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFfoPm9R8qU List Entries and Rank: 10: Killer Croc 9: Black Adam 8: Darkseid 7: Deathstroke 6: Doomsday 5: Bane 4: Ares 3, 2 & 1: ??? For more great content: http://watchmojo.com/ #DC #DCEU #Villains Check our our other channels! http://www.youtube.com/mojoplays http://www.youtube.com/mojotalks http://www.youtube.com/msmojo http://www.youtube.com/jrmojo http://www.youtube.com/watchmojouk WatchMojo's Social Media Pages http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo http://instagram.com/watchmojo Get WatchMojo merchandise at shop.watchmojo.com WatchMojo’s ten thousand videos on Top 10 lists, Origins, Biographies, Tips, How To’s, Reviews, Commentary and more on Pop Culture, Celebrity, Movies, Music, TV, Film, Video Games, Politics, News, Comics, Superheroes. Your trusted authority on ranking Pop Culture.

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