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Jimmy Fallon Had People Reveal The Worst Lies They Ever Told And They Were Hilarious

I was addicted to lying as a kid. Well, embellishing the truth is more like it. Like when there was a bear sighting around my elementary school in New City, New York, I went home and told my home a heartbreaking tale of a Mama bear foraging for food with her cub and two Park Rangers who tried to protect the animals from an evil SWAT team who showed up at the school to take the bears out.

There was a pivotal moment where the one of the Park Rangers stood in front of the drawn guns of the mean police officers while her partner fearlessly shooed the bears away, allowing them to escape.

Now anyone with half a brain could easily have seen that that story was taken straight out of an after-school Disney channel special. But my mom bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Now I always thought my lie was a doozy, but it turns out Jimmy Fallon got people to reveal even crazier things in 140 characters or less.

Yeah some of these really put my bear story to shame.

from Distractify http://distractify.com/humor/2017/01/27/fallon-worst-lies-ever-told

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