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A Half Onion Is Trying To Get More Twitter Followers Than Donald Trump

Love him or hate him, one thing you can safely say about Donald Trump is that he cares deeply about being popular. He dwells on it. One twitter user has decided to enter a popularity contest with the president by trying to get more followers. Also, that user is a half an onion

Yes. The twitter account, @HalfOnionInABag, is trying to get more followers than the 45th president. According to its bio, It is "Just here to get more followers than ." Also according to its bio, it is currently on top of a kitchen counter which sounds about right. 

So far the half an onion is losing with its 679,000 followers to The Donald's 22.4 million. While that may seem like an insurmountable deficit, Mashable points out that if current trends continue the two twitter accounts would be in a tie in just under a year and a half. No word yet has to how that would affect the midterm elections. 

So what does half an onion tweet about? Well, despite being a layered character (Sorry) it does seem to be singularly focused on its rival. 

The White House has yet to respond to the account but if this most recent election has taught us anything it is to never count your opponent out before the race is over. 

from Distractify http://distractify.com/humor/2017/01/27/this-half-onion-wants-more-twitter-followers-than-donald-trump

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